First real attempt at Generative Art

This is an early attempt at generative art. I’m using both python and Processing (Python mode). For this example, I wanted to build code which would generate a grid based on several parameters. Here’s one of the more colorful attempts. And here’s the code: def setup(): size(800,900) colorMode(HSB,360,100,100) background(0,0,90) #white #noFill() def draw(): xcenter = width / 2 ycenter =

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Generating Art from Code

Lately I’ve been struggling to focus on where to focus my creativity outside of work and the day-to-day tasks. While I’m interested in photography, drawing, digital drawing, DIY, and many other things, I’ve always had a passion to combine art and code. Coming out of high school I wanted to work for Disney or a related company but simply didn’t

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